I have a Wordpress blog with WP Super Cache, I Am Mobiled and CloudFlare plugins. When I do tests using São Paulo and Chrome, always get the mobile version of my site, instead of the original one.
Here are the mobile agents set:
iphone, ipod, aspen, incognito, webmate, android, dream, cupcake, froyo, blackberry, blackberry9500, blackberry9520, blackberry9530, blackberry9550, blackberry 9800, blackberry 9780, webos, s8000, bada, 2.0 MMP, 240�320, ASUS, AU-MIC, Alcatel, Amoi, Audiovox, AvantGo, BenQ, Bird, Blazer, CDM, Cellphone, DDIPOCKET, Danger, DoCoMo, Elaine/3.0, Ericsson, EudoraWeb, Fly, HP.iPAQ, Haier, Huawei, IEMobile, J-PHONE, KDDI, KONKA, KWC, KYOCERA/WX310K, LG, LG/U990, Lenovo, MIDP-2.0, MMEF20, MOT-V, MobilePhone, Motorola, NEWGEN, NetFront, Newt, Nintendo Wii, Nitro, Nokia, Novarra, O2, Opera Mini, Opera.Mobi, PANTECH, PDXGW, PG, PPC, PT, Palm, Panasonic, Philips, Playstation Portable, ProxiNet, Proxinet, Qtek, SCH, SEC, SGH, SHARP-TQ-GX10, SPH, Sagem, Samsung, Sanyo, Sendo, Sharp, Small, Smartphone, SoftBank, SonyEricsson, Symbian, Symbian OS, SymbianOS, TS21i-10, Toshiba, Treo, UP.Browser, UP.Link, UTS, Vertu, WILLCOME, WinWAP, Windows CE, Windows.CE, Xda, ZTE, dopod, hiptop, htc, i-mobile, nokia, portalmmm, vodafone, BlackBerry7100i, Nokia6650d, SAMSUNG-SGH-A737, HTC_P3650, HTC_HD2_T8585, HTC-ST7377, htc_touch_pro2_t7373, HTC_Dream, HTC-P4600, HTC_Touch_Pro_T7272, HTCP3300, LG-CT810, LGE-MX380, BlackBerry9650, BlackBerry9700, BlackBerry9630, BlackBerry9000, BlackBerry8330, BlackBerry8703e, BlackBerry8820, BlackBerry7100i, BlackBerry7130e, BlackBerry7250, BlackBerry7230, BlackBerry7730, Cricket-A200, MOT-COOL0, MOT-V9mm, MOT-L6, MOT-V3r, MOT-V3i, MOT-A-1C, MOT-V620, MOT-V600, MOT-E398, mot-V3, Samsung-SPHM800, SAMSUNG-SGH-A867, SonyEricssonW595, SonyEricssonK800i, POLARIS
Any ideas why this is happening?
I think I might have solved the problem. WP Super Cache was caching pages of the mobile theme and showing them to desktop visitors.
I just inserted define(‘DONOTCACHEPAGE’,‘true’); inside the mobile theme functions.php file and now the mobile pages are not being shown to desktop visitors anymore.