Hi Team,
I am trying a simple script to measure the performance of search activity. Here is the script:
navigate https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search
setValue xPath=“//*[@id='tbSearch']” heart
//setValue css=#tbSearch
//setValue id=tbSearch
submitForm name=searchForm
I tried different selectors to find the search field uniquely ( which btw working fine in selenium and other tools) but no luck. My test doesn’t perform search action and I see below logs:
[DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #tbSearch: (More info: https://goo.gl/9p2vKq) %o %o
I am not getting it, why it says found 2 elements?
Ah Angular, my old friend.
There’s a few things going on here…
setValue id=tbSearch heart
That command successfully sets the value of the tbSearch
field to heart. The problem is that Angular needs us to dispatch an “input” event to let us submit the form.
execAndWait document.querySelector('[id="tbSearch"]').dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));
We’re not quite done yet. It looks like the form itself uses a span
for the submit button, rather than a native submit
input type. So, you’ll need to take a different approach here rather than trying to submit the form. Instead, we need to “click” on the span. Here’s the full, working script (with a few names to help clarify the results):
setEventName searchPage
navigate https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search
setValue id=tbSearch heart
setEventName dispatchEvent
execAndWait document.querySelector('[id="tbSearch"]').dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));
setEventName submitSearch
execAndWait document.querySelector('.newsearch-submit').click();
As for this one:
My test doesn’t perform search action and I see below logs:
[DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #tbSearch: (More info: https://goo.gl/9p2vKq) %o %o
That’s coming from Chrome. If you load the page up in Chrome, they’re flagging this in the dev tools. Interestingly, I don’t see two elements with that ID so something is tripping them up there—likely something related to how Angular is building the DOM. It doesn’t look like it should impact your ability for this script to work though.
Thank you so much @tkadlec , thanks for taking your time out to help resolve the issue and provide all the required explanation.
@tkadlec Sorry but how to do identify this kind of events? like angular needs us to dispatch an “input” event to let us submit the form. Any reference I should read to get my familiar with this. Many thanks in advance
Here’s a post that does a decent job of walking through this particular situation: Testing Angular forms with dispatchEvent
Generally, I could see that it didn’t seem to be letting me execute the submit/click as I expected. I’ve run into my fair share of JS-driven forms in the past so figured it was something funky like this.
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