Ability to override individual URLs in a test

I’m trying to evaluate the impact of caching certain resources in my site on a CDN. For this, it would be really useful to be able to override individual URLs on a test page. For instance, something like this:

overrideUrl    http://foo.com/foo    http://bar.com/bar

Any time the test would request the “foo.com” URL, it would substitute the “bar.com” URL.

There are some override commands (SetDnsName, overrideHostUrl) supported by the script interface.


If the asset has the same filename on the CDN as the Origin server, you could use setDnsName to test with and without the CDN.

SetDnsName ExampleCDN.com ExampleOrigin.com

Would cause http://www.examplecdn.com/cool.jpg to get loaded from http://www.exampleorigin.com/cool.jpg during the test.

There have been a couple of recent articles about testing CDNs that you might find useful.
