hello !
i try to make privates instances to have test on Android device
but i have a problem when i start agent
someone have an idea ?
Thanks in advance
hello !
i try to make privates instances to have test on Android device
but i have a problem when i start agent
someone have an idea ?
Thanks in advance
use the wptdriver.bat version on Windows, the .sh is for linux. I’m actually surprised it runs at all.
Yes thanks Patrick !
i use the wptdriver.bat ans it’s better but i have a problem again
maybe i think i have a problem with parameters ?
at a minimum you should get rid of the 's in the command-line. Those are continuation characters for multi-line commands but will just mess up the single-line command.
i’m not sure to really understant… i’ll try the same command line without
but i’have the same error
Sorry for your help…and sorry i’m neebie in command line
i’ll try to edit wptdriver.bat file and modify defaut value by mine value. And i just execute batch file without parameter…i have the same error
i try to edit again batch file and i see the problem is here :
set “BROWSER_ARGS= --browser browser_android_chrome.BrowserAndroidChrome --deviceSerial %DEVICE_SERIAL% --captureDir ^”%AGENT%\lib\capture^“%CHROMEDRIVER_ARGS%”
i haven’t capture folder or file…
do you know were i could find it ?
Try removing the
--captureDir ^"%AGENT%\lib\capture^"
part entirely. That is for supporting HDMI video capture and isn’t used for android anymore. It being missing shouldn’t cause a problem but I expect the command-line being passed is causing quoting problems.