I’m using the public WPT site through SItespeed.IO and trying to test a few different mobile devices with 3G, 4G, and LTE connectivity profiles. It seems that I can only run my mobile devices against 3G - anything else switches to Cable. Has anybody else run into this before? Or can point out what I’m doing wrong?
My sitespeed.io config file (falls back to run as Cable):
"mobile" : "true",
"browsertime" : {
"iterations" : 3,
"connectivity" : {
"profile" : "native"
"webpagetest" : {
"key" : "avalidapikey",
"mobile" : 1,
"runs" : 2,
"device" : "iPhoneX",
"connectivity" : "4G"
"graphite.host" : "graphite"