I’m testing out wpt and sitespeed.io integration with a private instance. When running sitespeed.io it seems wpt is called with no issues, but I’m confused on what should I see on sitespeed.io results regarding wpt. On the documentation it says this:
We love WebPageTest (WPT), so we have integrated WebPageTest with sitespeed.io (it’s a plugin). When including WPT you will get a tab for each result and if you are using Graphite, WebPageTest metrics will be automatically sent.[/quote]
Reading that I supposed I was going to see another tab at the top of the page (where detailed summary, pages, etc), with wpt results or somehing like that, but I only see these three metrics on thr detailed summary page:
WPT render (firstView)
WPT SpeedIndex (firstView)
WPT Fully loaded (firstView)
Is this correct or should I be seeing more details from wpt ?
I’m running sitespeed like this:
Thanks for the help.