We would like to create a public instance and then share it as a test location.
But not sure on my next step. This is what i have done so far.
Following the instructions at and create an image from AWS:
I have created the following instance:
This is based upon you AMI:
IE11/Chrome/Firefox/Safari (2016, wptdriver only) - ami-a3a81dd0
According to the instance viewer, the server is running. Screenshot attached
I have updated the security group to allow HTTP traffic from all IP address. Screenshot attached.
When I try to connect to the server , and I request the administrator password, it says “This instance was launched from a custom AMI, or the default password has changed. A password cannot be retrieved for this instance. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it using the Amazon EC2 configuration service. “. How do I login to it? What is the password?
What is the URL of the actual server for me to run webpagetest? When I put ec2-52-209-153-46.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com or into my browser, nothing happens
Many thanks in advance for your help