Chrome sometimes does not open or it may take a lot of time in order to start

Sometimes Chrome is not opening or it takes around 10 minutes in order to open, no errors are displayed and the WPTDriver just displays a text saying: ‘Launching C:\Program Files (X86)\Google\Chrome\Application.…’. Attached you can find a screenshot of the WPTdriver trying to open Chrome.

I have tried several approaches to the issue without success:

  1. Check security settings and everything looks ok, no firewall is Activated, The UAC is set to never notify, the ipfw+dummynet is installed correctly, the windows is started in the test mode, and so on.
  2. I unistall and reinstall Chrome several times, both with the installer option of the wptdriver and without it.
  3. I add permission to Run as Administrator to the wptdriver.
  4. I change the options of chrome trying several combinations.
  5. I stopped the urlblast.exe in order to run only the wptdriver (I wanted to see if run both programs in the same machine affect the wptdriver, but that is not the problem).


  1. Windows 7 Enterprise of 64bits. I also did an installation in a Windows 7 Professional 64bits without success.
  2. I am using the last release of WebPageTest v2.13.
  3. I am using the last version of Chrome and it is working correctly when used manually.
  4. I have a private instance of WebpageTest in this machine (host in an Apache configured using XAMPP), the Test Agent (WPTdriver and URL Blast) are running in the same machine.

This is the content of my wptdriver.ini file:

Time Limit=120
;Automatically install and update support software (Flash, Silverlight, etc)

exe=“C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe”
options=‘–load-extension=“%WPTDIR%\extension” --user-date-dir=“%PROFILE%” --new-window --no-proxy-server’

exe=“C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe”
options=‘-profile “%PROFILE%” -no-remote’

exe=“C:\Program Files (x86)\Safari\Safari.exe”

exe=“C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe”

The rest of the browsers Firefox, Safari and IE9 (The IE is run using the URL Blast) are working as expected, the only issue is with Chrome, I have been trying to fix this issue for 3 days now and I run out of ideas. Please give me a hand in order to fix this.

If more details mihght be required to solve this, please let me know. I will appreciate your help.

Hi, after months of having this issue I was able to fix it. It seems that it was an issue in the WPTDriver version 2.13, I installed the new version 2.14 and the issue with Chrome was fixed. Also the new version of Firefox was failing with the version 2.13, it seems to be stable with the wptdriver v2.14. I recommend to install the new version of webpagetest.

Am facing the same issue. Am using webpagetest 2.15

Am currently webpagetest 2.15, still facing the same problem. Any insights?

I haven’t updated my private wepagetest instance to 2.15. I am still using the version 2.14 and I can tell you that it’s pretty stable, I am using the latest version of Chrome and Firefox without issues. Maybe you can try by installing the version 2.14 of webpagetest.

I’d actually recommend going the other way and grabbing the absolute latest agents:

With Chrome and Firefox updating every 6 weeks, it’s not unusual for them to break something that WPT used to depend on and no longer work.