Error trying to test a page that requires authentication on chrome mobile

Hey guys, first post! I’m having an error trying to test a page that requires authentication on chrome mobile. It only happens when I try to do the test on mobile. In other browsers (at least the ones that I’ve tried) is working fine. I set the url, on the auth menu i set the user and password and I got this error:

WPT script contains unsupported line[1]: navigate " — support is limited to: setDnsName H1 H2\n [overrideHost H1 H3]\n navigate H4

I’ve tried to script it but I got the same result:

setHeader(‘Authorization’,'Basic ’ + EncodingUtil.base64Encode(‘myusername’ + ‘:’ + ‘mypassword’))


The test failed to run.
WPT script contains unsupported line[0]: navigate — support is limited to: setDnsName H1 H2\n [overrideHost H1 H3]\n navigate H4

Anyone have any idea of what’s going on?


The mobile agents don’t support scripting (and under the covers auth uses a script to set the headers). The only way (currently) to do it would be to use desktop chrome with mobile emulation enabled (in the chrome tab of advanced settings).