Hi everyone. I was searching for “ssl handshake latency” when I stumbled across this site. I am hoping this will help me with troubleshooting issues at a couple of customer sites.
- I have outlying sites in AK that use satellite Internet (which is hardwired from Anchorage back to the continental US). They are unable to log in to our website. I know they have 15 Mbps bandwidth and are showing 600ms up and down for latency. I am curious if latency could be causing a handshake timeout of some kind and thought maybe webpagetest might help? I wasn’t sure how I would test this…do I have to change the Advanced Settings to “Custom” and then what? Is this just mimicking what my customers are experiencing and would it give me info on latency? Or is there a way to have the customers test it themselves using this site?
- I have another site where they are having issues with loading videos. They said they can view all videos, just not ours (some of which is hosted at a special site because of using old, non-html5 files). Again, I am curious if this webpagetest would help troubleshoot issues at that site. Again, do I have the customers run the test and provide me the results to decipher or do I remote in and do it for them?
Sorry these questions are so basic, but I read through what I thought was documentation and couldn’t figure out whether this will help me or not, or even how to properly test for satellite and so forth.
Any advice/information would be helpful. Thank you in advance for your time!