Force data collection in script for non-navigation step


I’m running a private instance of wpt and I have a multi-step script that’s broken down into 6 steps . The entire scenario works, as in it performs all the steps as intended, but it doesn’t collect data in 2 of the steps. I’ve noticed that these are steps where no explicit navigation or form submission takes place. A button is clicked, Requests are made, and new user timings are generated, but this step does not get reported in the UI, or in the API.

I’ve done several things to test, including:
trying different methods to click the button, (click, clickAndWait, exec, execAndWait etc…)
adding a superfluous navigate command in order to generate data for the step
adding a custom metric to try to retrieve a user timing from the missing step
adding a long pause to manually click the button while test is running
adding logData calls to explicitly stop and start collecting data
adding an exec call to print out the user timings to the console

This is on IE11 on Win7Enterprise.