1 - Unfortunately not. You can get information running a local instance but the information is not exposed (yet anyway) through the web UI.
2 - Not through the web UI. They can either measure a single step or combine all 5 steps into a single sequence. If you just care about the raw data then yes, the 5 steps will be measured independently in the page and object data but the waterfall and video presentations will be messed up because neither is expecting it.
Which file contains this information? IEWPG.txt, IEWTR.txt, pagespeed.txt, progress.csv, report.txt, or status.txt?
Assume that there is a script as following,
logData 0
navigate https://login.live.com
logData 1
setValue name=login wpt-test@live.com
setValue name=passwd 123456
setValue name=remMe 0
clickandWait id=idSIButton9
How can I get how long it takes to “navigate https://login.live.com” and how long it takes to “clickandWait idSIButton9”.
Thank you.
You need to get rid of the logData 0/1 calls - those turn off the logging of the test data for the navigate step. Once those are gone the IEWPG.txt and IEWTR.txt files will have the data from all of the steps of the navigation.