Hosted Site + Video Issues...

I have placed the x264.exe and installed avisynth on the test machine. I am running Linux as the “server” and XP for the “tester/urlblaster”.

I see JPEGs in the results and there is a corresponding ./results/video directory and entries there as well. I can download the video frames zip file from the server, but no actual mpeg file is generated and if I select create video file, I hang indefinitely.

If I understood it, the worker/test nodes need avisynth (installed) and x264.exe (in Web Site folder), but the urlblaster never seems to think there is work to do there.

I have also noticed that my tests never “complete” they hang with the following:

But the results are navigable, I can see the waterfall and screenshot, but no slideshow or other options.

It would seem I have got a number of issues, probably related. Suggestions as to what I have done wrong?

I also never get a “From:” when submitting the test. It is always blank.


Solved at least this issue… Turns out while locations.ini accepts quoted strings, the php code does not like special chars like “()” in label names. Removing this fixed at least the From: value being blank.


For the video rendering, check your access log and see if the requests for getwork.php include &video=1 on the requests. That is how the test machines advertise being able to support rendering video. Do you “hang” or does it stick on the page that tells you the video will be available shortly?

Yes, to render videos the test machine needs avisynth installed and x264.exe in the same folder as urlblast.exe. Not all nodes need to be configured but at least one does (any that are configured will handle processing video rendering tasks in addition to the regular testing).

Let me cut a new release of the hosted site just to make sure you’re on the latest code across the board (and it has been a while anyway). I’ll take care of it in an hour or so when I get into the office.



Latest code is now packaged up here:

Give that a shot and let me know how it goes.



After downloading the latest code I got a the video=1 parameter in my access log. I was not getting this prior to the update. Thanks so much again for you patience and support! Testing now.

Odds are the older urlblast didn’t know how to do the video rendering so that needed to be updated. Figured it was a good time to do a completely clean release (fingers crossed).

While it seems to be making requests correctly and the log looks correct. All IE8 windows opened by URLblaster are about:blank and never proceed to the target URL. I have tested PageTest manually and it works (running .220) just fine “manually”. However, URLBlaster only seems able to spawn the IE window and never make subsequent calls to it. The browser window opens full screen under URLblaster, but it never resizes as it normally should. If I close the browser window (something I was not able to do easily or well under the previous version of urlblaster) the next window spawns (default config does cache clear + cache test).

The 120 second timeout never seems to kick in either. I have restarted a number of times and attempted to keep the system as clean as possible. For example, without intervention once the first IE8 window is spawned nothing happens. 03/09/10 11:16:01 - Test Started, the IE window is still open at 11:22.

This is true regardless of the video option being checked or not during test creation.

Running XP, Pagetest and the latest URLblaster in the 1.8 release. I would point out I am running the server components from SVN and that an svn up did not source any new files.

Debug log shows no additional or errors. Let me know if I can provide more information.

Seemed to have potentially solved my own problem and will now resume testing of video. Curse my self for having “modified” my own VM. I enabled directx support in the VM previously between the updates and for whatever reason, this broke functionality. I suspect that the emulated directx support is not complete and makes urlblaster very unhappy. Regardless, this now appears to at least solved the urlblaster hanging issue and no resizing. Tests without video are now running normally. I will post with my report hopefully soon.

Thanks again.

I am still not generating a video. I see the following in my access log:

GET /work/getwork.php?video=1&location=BLAH&key=Test1234

But no work seems to be generated. I never see the urlblaster do anything at that point and the UI for the site, says “Your video will be available shortly. Please wait…” I have installed the avisynth bundled with 1.8 and the x264 file is in the C:\Web Site folder on the tester.


Everything else is working correctly, right? i.e. the testing works and you can see the filmstrip view but when you go to create the videos you don’t get anything?

We’ll probably need to try a little elimination to see if it is a server problem or a uurlblast problem…

Can you try stopping urlblast and try creating another video? Do you see any zip files in the content/work/video directory? That’s where the server stages the batch jobs to send to urlblast for rendering.

In urlblast.ini add an entry “debug=1” which will spit a crapton of information to the urlblast log (though I’m not sure if it includes info on the rendering jobs) and delete the existing log file.

If you do see something there, take note of the file name and start up urlblast and give it a minute or two. Is the file still there? If not, is there a directory under content/results/video/10/03/09 that matches the file name (substitute the appropriate date)?

Can you post the urlblast log file after you run the test?

That will help us identify if the jobs are being created correctly or not. I may have to add logging to some of the pieces depending on what you find.



I am running into this exact problem with converting the filmstrip into a video. The filmstrip contains all of the images, when I run the create video it just hangs on “Your video will be available shortly. Please wait…”. I did what you asked of the other person. The zip file does get created on the server and seems to contain all of the data it needs:

Archive: inflating: 0/frame_0008.jpg inflating: 0/frame_0000.jpg inflating: 0/video.avs inflating: 0/frame_0009.jpg inflating: 0/frame_0004.jpg inflating: 0/frame_0013.jpg inflating: 0/frame_0010.jpg inflating: 0/stats.avs

I also checked in results/video/11/03/25/c4f76ad3fd2dba6312060efb6a477d28c5a07c5b and this directory only contains a single file called labels.txt which just has the two labels I assigned. The log file from urlblaster is as follows:

2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 0 0 URLBlast Started 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 4 0 CPU String Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5520 @ 2.27GHz 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 5 2261 CPU MHz 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 6 2035 Total RAM (MB) 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 7 8181 Disk Size (MB) 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 8 4565 Disk Free (MB) 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 9 5 OS Version Windows XP Service Pack 3 (5.1.2600 SP 3.0 Suite 0x00000100 Product 1) 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 10 0 Computer Name PC-R0 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 19 0 Info Screen: 1024 x 640 - 16 bpp 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 11 8 IE Version 8.0.6001.18702 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 12 261 URLBlast Version 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Initializing WinPCap 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Current WinPCap Version: WinPcap version 4.1.2 (packet.dll version, based on libpcap version 1.0 branch 1_0_rel0b (20091008) 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Initializing WinPCap Complete 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Logging on user:user1, password:2dialit 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Logon ok, loading user profile 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Profile loaded, locating profile directory 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug DoUserLogon successful for user1 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Waiting for startup synchronization 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Running... 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Requesting work from machine/work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Job of type 'application/zip' received 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Writing zip file to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\urlblast\zipF8.tmp 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Retrieved video job '' in 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\urlblast\zipF8.tmp' 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Url to be tested: 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Executing '"C:\Program Files\urlblast\x264.exe" --crf 24 --threads 1 --keyint 10 --min-keyint 1 -o video.mp4 video.avs' in 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\urlblast\zipF8.tmp' 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Successfully ran '"C:\Program Files\urlblast\x264.exe" --crf 24 --threads 1 --keyint 10 --min-keyint 1 -o video.mp4 video.avs' 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Uploading 0 byte file C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\urlblast\zipF8.tmp\video.mp4 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Completed video job '' 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Requesting work from machine/work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Job of type 'text/plain' received 2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Work request response was empty 2011/03/25 11:13:00 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Requesting work from machine/work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0 2011/03/25 11:13:00 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Job of type 'text/plain' received 2011/03/25 11:13:00 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Work request response was empty 2011/03/25 11:13:10 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Requesting work from machine/work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0 2011/03/25 11:13:10 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Job of type 'text/plain' received 2011/03/25 11:13:10 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Work request response was empty 2011/03/25 11:13:21 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Requesting work from machine/work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0 2011/03/25 11:13:21 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Job of type 'text/plain' received 2011/03/25 11:13:21 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Work request response was empty 2011/03/25 11:13:31 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Requesting work from machine/work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0 2011/03/25 11:13:31 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Job of type 'text/plain' received 2011/03/25 11:13:31 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Work request response was empty 2011/03/25 11:13:41 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Requesting work from machine/work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0 2011/03/25 11:13:41 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Job of type 'text/plain' received 2011/03/25 11:13:41 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Work request response was empty 2011/03/25 11:13:51 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Requesting work from machine/work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0 2011/03/25 11:13:51 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Job of type 'text/plain' received 2011/03/25 11:13:51 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Work request response was empty 2011/03/25 11:14:02 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Requesting work from machine/work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0 2011/03/25 11:14:02 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Job of type 'text/plain' received 2011/03/25 11:14:02 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Work request response was empty 2011/03/25 11:14:13 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Requesting work from machine/work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0 2011/03/25 11:14:13 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Job of type 'text/plain' received 2011/03/25 11:14:13 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Work request response was empty 2011/03/25 11:14:23 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Requesting work from machine/work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0 2011/03/25 11:14:23 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Job of type 'text/plain' received 2011/03/25 11:14:23 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Work request response was empty 2011/03/25 11:14:29 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug OnClose() 2011/03/25 11:14:29 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Stop Capture 2011/03/25 11:14:29 -1 1 1 1 1 Log Files Upload

Let me know if there is anything else I can test here.

Thank you so much for your time.


Does the zip file stay on the server? If so it sounds like the client isn’t picking up the work. Do you have a couple of sample entries from your access log for getwork.php (look for video=1)?

My best guess is that either Avisynth wasn’t installed on the test machine or x264.exe isn’t in the same directory as urlblast - both of those are necessary on the test machine for it to process video rendering jobs.

Thank you for your response. No, the zip file doesn’t remain on the server

# ls work/video tmp

Yes, getwork.php looks correct

*.*.*.* - - [25/Mar/2011:11:13:36 -0400] "GET /work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0&ver=261 HTTP/1.1" 200 - *.*.*.* - - [25/Mar/2011:11:13:47 -0400] "GET /work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0&ver=261 HTTP/1.1" 200 - *.*.*.* - - [25/Mar/2011:11:13:57 -0400] "GET /work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0&ver=261 HTTP/1.1" 200 - *.*.*.* - - [25/Mar/2011:11:14:07 -0400] "GET /work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0&ver=261 HTTP/1.1" 200 - *.*.*.* - - [25/Mar/2011:11:14:18 -0400] "GET /work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0&ver=261 HTTP/1.1" 200 - *.*.*.* - - [25/Mar/2011:11:14:28 -0400] "GET /work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Coresite1_IE8&key=10041bbcc7dca&pc=PC-R0&ver=261 HTTP/1.1" 200 -

I was thinking about Avisynth as well. Avisynth is installed in C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5. Is there anything I need to do once I run the installer for Avisynth? x264.exe does reside in the same directory as urlBlast.exe which is C:\Program Files\urlblast

Thanks again!


No, Avisynth should be fine (video=1 in the getwork.php requests shows that urlblast recognizes it). can you add “debug=1” to urlblast.ini, re-launch urlblast and grab a log file? There should be some comment about executing x264 in there.

Yeah, I did that and pasted the output in my first post if you want to look there. I did see this in it

2011/03/25 11:12:50 -1 1 1 20 0 Debug Executing '"C:\Program Files\urlblast\x264.exe" --crf 24 --threads 1 --keyint 10 --min-keyint 1 -o video.mp4 video.avs' in 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\urlblast\zipF8.tmp' [hr]
Which is empty, no zipF8.tmp file there.

oh, sorry - missed the scroll bar :frowning:

This is not good:

Uploading 0 byte file C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\urlblast\zipF8.tmp\video.mp4

Can you kill urlblast, create another video and e-mail me the zip file from the server ( I need to see why it is having problems creating the video.



FWIW, the zip file gets deleted right after it’s processed so it’s not surprising that it’s not there.

Sent. One thing I noticed was the zip file only contains screen captures for the first url in the list.

Hmm, it’s also missing the template that is used to create the video (video/templates/X.avs) where X is the number of videos being compared. How many videos were being compared? Does it work if you try to create video of a single test?

There didn’t exist a video/templates directory so I created it and re-ran the test with 2 urls. This didn’t seem to do anything, still no avs file specifying the number of videos. I was originally testing with 2 urls. I just tried with 1 and it still didn’t change anything. Not seeing anything in the log files or errors in firebug.