Video issues

With selecting “Video” option, testing works fine and I can see the filmstrip view but when I want to create the videos or watch video from result summary page, it just hangs on “Your video will be available shortly. Please wait…”

By referring the thread, below are other observations;

Client side:

  1. x264.exe, avisynth & urlblast are placed in same folder
  2. Test Systems are XP & windows 2008 server (virtualiztion)
  3. with debug=1 the log doesn’t have log of Video request/processing

Server side:

  1. Windows 2003
    2.Looking @ access log, there is no video=1 in GET /work/getwork.php?
  2. .zip file created in /work/video folder with containing the images
  3. video folder created in results/ and also in results/video// label.txt is created …


Did you actually install avisynth (run the installer)? It needs to be installed (not just placed in the folder) for video rendering to work.



Thanks Pat… you hit the right nail :-)… working fine after running avisynth installer…
