How to improve First Byte Time

Please take a view in my test result and give solution how to improve the performance

Thanks a lot.


Use webpagetest as a tool to guide you and prioritize your efforts. I’d start with the scores at the top… there is a big hint there when it comes to images which will help you reduce your overall page size by nearly 1/3. Your first byte time is long but this isnt the tool to help you analyze the back end.

You can also find the information under performance review area.

I see you’ve changed your Wordpress theme in the meantime, but the TTFB is still rather high. This is not uncommon for Wordpress-based websites, unfortunately. It’s probably to do with the inefficiency of the templates, though it’s hard to tell exactly (I’m no Wordpress expert). You can consider setting up full-page caching, but this generally requires you to have your own server rather than being on a shared hosting package (I can’t tell what you’re on since you’re behind CloudFlare).

WordPress core is fast by default but plugins make it slow…Avoid using too many plugin and tune your theme a bit…this will bring down your TTFB considerably…You can use P3 plugin profiler plugin (free download from to see time consumed by WordPress core,Theme and different plugins.

thanks for your suggestion. I’ll give it a try :slight_smile:


Here is the latest recent result of my site. WebPageTest Test - Running web page performance and optimization tests...

All images are optimized in the first page but still poor TTFB. It comes to my mind that it is because of shared hosting.

“It comes to my mind that it is because of shared hosting”

You’re going to have TTFB issues on shared hosting - as well as variances in reporting - since you are sharing resources with other sites on that server.