Interested in Services Related to Improving Page Speed

Hi All

I’m intersted in getting some advice / work done on our website to improve page speed. I’d like to recieve a response from a company or consultant in this specialist field and get an idea for costs on:

  1. A prelimiary report / audit
  2. A more indepth look at the code / hostingf environment, etc
  3. An ongoing retainer to ensure the site is kept optimum

Please take a look at and let me know.

Thank you


my name is Konstantin and I mainly optimize Magento ecommerce websites [url=]Magento Optimization Service - Magento Developer USA

Here is your Google PageSpeed score

you rate low for mobile because you don’t have a mobile-friendly version

desktop score is around 94 which is considered great!

your TTFB is around 300ms as measured by chrome developer tools, it is very good

in my opinion your main concern should not be speed but getting your website ready for mobile users.