(Los Angeles, CA -DSL) Test errors (

Every 3-run pass I’m doing from LA for Chrome appears to be failing at least one pass. For instance, the most recent run failed passes 1 and 3 with ‘Test Error: Failed to configure IPFW/dummynet. Is it installed?’ whereas the 2nd pass completed OK.

Example test (Chrome): http://www.webpagetest.org/result/140630_DS_C88/
Example test (Firefox): http://www.webpagetest.org/result/140630_AZ_C8Z/

Looks like one of the machines in Los Angeles is having issues. I pinged Catchpoint to see if they can clean it up or remove it (there is another machine that is working which is why it is intermittent: http://www.webpagetest.org/result/140630_0C_VWD/ )

The test in LA still fails more often than it succeeds. Is there any timeline for when this will be fixed?