On the left side of the results pages (stuck to your browser frame) you should now see a “Stickr” button. You can use this for adding sticky notes to the results which should be very helpful for discussions about the results. I think you need to hover the button for the stickies to display so any existing notes may not show up by default.
Here is a sample I just put together: http://www.webpagetest.org/result/100922_6b4a5d661289ddca60a8fb6a6bc78b11/1/details/
For now the comments are wide-open and anonymous comments are allowed. If it starts to get abused I may eventually lock it down so only registered users can see and edit the comments or only allow them on private tests but I don’t think it will come to that.
Bonus points to Stickr for using async loading for their code snippet
As always, feedback is welcome. If it causes problems it’s easy enough to rip out.