Page loads work with node.js agent, but WebDriver scripts don't

I’ve been hitting my head against the wall, as I’ve tried everything and still can’t get webdriver scripts to work. I have a local webpagetest server running on my OSX and is connected successfully to the test node.js agent (also running on the same OSX laptop).

node src/agent_main --serverUrl localhost --location Test --browser browser_local_chrome.BrowserLocalChrome --chromedriver /Users/kkrishnamurthy/funspace/webpagetest/agent/js/lib/webdriver/chromedriver/Darwin x86_64/chromedriver-2.4 --chrome /Applications/Google Chrome
I Jan_16_18:11:31.353 browser_local_chrome.js:53 new BrowserLocalChrome : BrowserLocalChrome(/Users/kkrishnamurthy/funspace/webpagetest/agent/js/lib/webdriver/chromedriver/Darwin x86_64/chromedriver-2.4, /Applications/Google Chrome)
I Jan_16_18:11:31.369 wpt_client.js:373 Client.<anonymous> : Get work: http://localhost/work/getwork.php?location=Test&f=json

I tried firing up a test against a single URL from my local WPT instance and it works just as one would expect. BUT, when I try the same with the below WebDriver script fed into “Advanced Settings->Script”, the node.js agent opens up the browser, but after that it just fails. Below is the script:

driver = new webdriver.Builder().build();
driver.wait(function() {
return driver.getTitle();

On the console, I see this:

I Jan_16_18:19:25.932 wpt_client.js:440 Client.processJobResponse_ : Got job: {"Test ID":"150117_T4_E","url":"script:\/\/150117_T4_E.pts","fvonly":1,"Capture Video":1,"runs":1,"browser":"Chrome","orientation":"default","script":"driver = new webdriver.Builder().build();\r\ndriver.get('http:\/\/');\r\ndriver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');\r\ndriver.findElement('btnG')).click();\r\ndriver.wait(function() {\r\nreturn driver.getTitle();\r\n});"}
I Jan_16_18:19:25.944 agent_main.js:261 Agent.app_.schedule.addErrback.job.agentError : Starting run 1/1 of job 150117_T4_E
I Jan_16_18:19:26.186 browser_local_chrome.js:53 new BrowserLocalChrome : BrowserLocalChrome(/Users/kkrishnamurthy/funspace/webpagetest/agent/js/lib/webdriver/chromedriver/Darwin x86_64/chromedriver-2.4, /Applications/Google Chrome)
.I Jan_16_18:19:26.226 process_utils.js:355 unknown : Spawning: '/Users/kkrishnamurthy/funspace/webpagetest/agent/js/lib/webdriver/chromedriver/Darwin x86_64/chromedriver-2.4' '--port=4444'
I Jan_16_18:19:26.257 process_utils.js:358 Socket.<anonymous> : /Users/kkrishnamurthy/funspace/webpagetest/agent/js/lib/webdriver/chromedriver/Darwin x86_64/chromedriver-2.4 STDOUT: Starting ChromeDriver (v2.4.226086) on port 4444
I Jan_16_18:19:26.258 wd_server.js:221 WebDriverServer.<anonymous> : WD server URL: http://localhost:4444
I Jan_16_18:19:26.267 wd_server.js:224 WebDriverServer.<anonymous> : WD server is ready
I Jan_16_18:19:26.289 wd_server.js:1045 WebDriverServer.app_.schedule.addErrback.testError_ : Running user script
I Jan_16_18:19:26.306 wd_server.js:1047 WebDriverServer.app_.schedule.addErrback.testError_ : User script returned, but not necessarily finished
E Jan_16_18:19:46.526 wd_server.js:1049 WebDriverServer.<anonymous> : Script failed: unknown error: unable to discover open pages
  (Driver info: chromedriver=2.4.226086,platform=Mac OS X 10.9.3 x86_64)
E Jan_16_18:19:46.561 wd_server.js:1168 WebDriverServer.<anonymous> : Test failed: unknown error: unable to discover open pages
  (Driver info: chromedriver=2.4.226086,platform=Mac OS X 10.9.3 x86_64)
E Jan_16_18:19:46.583 wd_server.js:197 WebDriverServer.<anonymous> : Exception from "Done": UnknownError: unknown error: unable to discover open pages
  (Driver info: chromedriver=2.4.226086,platform=Mac OS X 10.9.3 x86_64)
E Jan_16_18:21:55.935 wpt_client.js:451 Client.abortJob_ : Aborting job 150117_T4_E: timeout
I Jan_16_18:22:00.981 agent_main.js:141 Agent.<anonymous> : wd_server child process exit code null signal SIGKILL
A Jan_16_18:22:01.137 wpt_client.js:554 Client.<anonymous> : Failed run 1/1 of finished job 150117_T4_E: timeout
I Jan_16_18:22:01.179 wpt_client.js:373 Client.<anonymous> : Get work: http://localhost/work/getwork.php?location=Test&f=json

What am I missing? Any help is appreciated.

I finally figured out that the reason my scripting fails is because of an outdated chromedriver. I upgraded to the latest one – 2.13 and it worked like a charm!