You can see a few different images downloading while the base document is being downloaded.
In the later example that uses FIOS, it looks like it might be beneficial to load all the images in the middle using javascript in the header section with the rest of my images near the top.
Do you guys think it would be best to preload all images in the header? Any thoughts or suggestions?
Try running a video comparison to see what the user experience looks like for both cases (and try it on IE8 as well). Usually I wouldn’t recommend it and let the browser fetch stuff as it parses the DOM because you really want to make sure you get the HTML and CSS done and laid out to get the text content in front of the user as soon as possible but there are always exception cases.
In the case where you have limited bandwidth the images will compete with the text and css (assuming it is on a different sub domain). If it isn’t on a different sub-domain then you could be blocking the text/css outright.
That’s mostly why it’s sort of one of those > beginner optimizations. If you really know what you’re doing and have already done the other optimizations then you might be able to squeak some more performance out (but make sure it’s not just the line in the chart getting faster and that the user experience is actually better).
Certainly I wouldn’t recommend even looking at doing this until you have at least handled the basic optimizations (which I know you have but a lot of people haven’t).