My site has bad CDN rating because I use one that is not on the approved list.
Would you consider adding an option for a user string to specify private CDNs?
This way, a developer could see improvements while implementing proper separation between dynamic and static site content.
I suggest adding a new pane in the advanced settings for user specified CDNs.
It’s not so much an “approved” list as it is a list of CDN’s that we know about. Is the CDN you are using a public CDN offering or is it really private (i.e. you have your own gslb and servers across the world)?
One thing I’m considering is having the CDN list as a config setting on the server so you could tweak it for private installs but I prefer not to make it configurable at test time, at least without thinking through how to present the fact that a custom list was used.
No, I haven’t worked on it but the project is on github and I’d be happy to take a pull request if you want to take a crack at it. Otherwise it’s going to be a while before I even think about it - there hasn’t been a lot of demand for it.
Are you using actual CDN’s? If so and WPT is missing them, just send me some sample tests as well as the CDN that is being missed and I will fix the detection. If you don’t use a CDN and management still asks then it’s worth explaining to them why a CDN doesn’t make sense (assuming that’s the case) for your specific case. Sometimes it makes sense NOT to use a CDN (mostly when you are serving a small geographic area or if the static content is very long-tail).
Adding a X-Edge-Location: header to the responses from the private CDN would categorize it as a generic “CDN” but if it’s not actually geo-distributing content you aren’t doing anyone any favors.