Hi guys, I’ve been trying to get a selt hosted system setup but I’m sorta struggling to figure out where I’ve gone wrong…
My layout is this:
a central web server, Centos x64, apache mods+php all working…
the webserver only allows http and https on egress.
lets call this http://foo.bar.com, I fixed permissions per documentation and have disabled selinux.
It has a public IP and I double checked its egress matches inbound.
its locations.ini looks like this:
I have then setup one of the AMI instances with what I think is the the correct user data :
IE8 - ami-00b18074 : wpt-ireland/ie8-20110703.manifest.xml
user-data used on above ami:
That being said there doesn’t apear to be much documentation on the firewall rules an ec2 instance should have, I’ve assumed it needs RDP and http+https inbound so thats all I has currently (and ping for now).
So at this point… does this look correct? I have checked the /install URL and it now reports that its not in communication with the remote:
What confuses me is that its saying its not connected to an agent but if I check the apache log I see:
XXX.YYY = the /16 on the amazon instance modified for privacy
ZZZ same key as in the other ZZZ’s above.
I’m hoping I’ve just done something really silly here as I’ve followed the instructions as best I could. Would love to write a propper howto once I figure out where I’ve gone wrong.
Obviously if you need more info just ask, Thanks very much!
For your user data. The agents need to connect to the leaf nodes of the location definitions.
As far as the firewall rules for the EC2 agents, they don’t need any holes punched at all. All of the requests are outbound (though RDP is nice if you want to remote in to take a look at them).
Black screenshots will occur if you RDP’d to the machine and then disconnected. That locks the desktop and screws up the screen shots. Just reboot the instance and they should start working again.
Though, that doesn’t explain how you got any screen shots at all unless you are still RDP connected and minimizing/restoring the RDP window.
Well I’m glad to report that I have a working instance now, however after configuring and installing : IE9/Chrome/Firefox/Safari - ami-8b2c2fff : 314854558937/ie9-20121031 (Eu-West Ireland) I’m having very very bad results.
For example my second views on sites take longer than first views, sometimes over 30seconds (for a page that always loads under 5sec on a real PC)
I’ve automated tests and started graphing with cacti but the results do not reflect reality… so I did some checking and found that even though my config had asked for Chrome :
label=“ami instance in ireland - Testing”
1 - What size instances are you running? Medium work best, Small work OK, tiny would explain the really slow times you are seeing and should never be used.
2 - For Chrome/Firefox/Safari you need the location name to be Ireland01_wptdriver and then the browser= line can include all 3 (browser=Chrome,Firefox,Safari).