I’d like to be able to submit a test that would visit a series of pages N times in round-robin fashion.
N in the case I originally tried was 100 and the results were quite skewed because the network conditions changed over time and different urls were affected more or less comparatively.
I can ‘solve’ this by submitting a batch file with each of the URLs to test listed one after another 100 times but then they don’t aggregate on their own and comparing them is a chore.
What do you all think?
Do you think there is enough demand to be able to do it through the UI? Right now you can accomplish something like that by using the API (and the bulktests sample supports round-robin using “iterations”) but analyzing the results is done in code mostly.
Oh I doubt there’s enough demand (especially considering responses to this post) to warrant much dev effort for the UI.
I’m just feeling the pain of being able to run tests via the UI and then analyze them in Clojure/Incanter rather than just automatically getting my nice graphs and such as I was when running each of the urls 100 times in sequence.
I’ll look into the bulktests sample and iterations. That sounds interesting.