Scroll of a page


→ I am running a test on private instance WPT . Test fails after step 4 and does not execute second scroll option,logout.

→ I tried in the console with the same code and it worked fine. I also tried with different actions removing scroll option, failed to achieve.

→ Only 4 steps get executed everytime and test stops.


I have used the following script to access the page:

//Set resolution and Launch Url
logData 0
setViewportSize 1920 1080
logData 1
setEventName 01_Launch

//Accept cookies
logData 0
clickAndWait class=optanon-allow-all

logData 0
exec $(“form input[type=text]”).val(‘username’);
execAndWait $(“form input[type=password]”).val(‘password’);
exec var event = document.createEvent(“HTMLEvents”);event.initEvent(“input”,true,true);$(“form input”)[0].dispatchEvent(event);$(“form input”)[1].dispatchEvent(event);

logData 1
setEventName 02_Click_Login
execAndWait $(“”).find(“button”).click();

//Scroll down
logData 1
setEventName 03_ScrollDown
execAndWait window.scroll({top: 250, left: 0, behavior: ‘smooth’});

//Scroll up
logData 0
execAndWait window.scroll({top: 0, left: 0, behavior: ‘smooth’});

//Search Keywords
logData 0
execAndWait $(“”).find(“input”).val(‘sports’);
logData 1
setEventName 04_Search_text
clickAndWait id=btnSearch

//Scroll down
logData 1
setEventName 05_ScrollDown
execAndWait window.scroll({top: 250, left: 0, behavior: ‘smooth’});

//Scroll up
logData 0
execAndWait window.scroll({top: 0, left: 0, behavior: ‘smooth’});
logData 0
clickAndWait class=ico-bars ico-lg link-light no-arrow-down

logData 1
setEventName 06_Logout
clickAndWait id=btnLogout

Can anyone help me out for this


Happy to help - Can you provide a url with the failed test result?

I configured wpt using nginx and the script is working fine
