None of my test results displays speed index, also the video sections shows “unavailable” when i am testing the performance of my website on my private instance.
Attaching the test results and the server configuration details.
P.S. The server is hosted on an ec2 instance having linux ami.
Are you specifying the ‘video’ parameter? Try setting that.
According to the docs: Set to 1 to capture video (video is required for calculating Speed Index)
Yes i am specifying the video parameter. Below is the command i am using
sh --browser chrome --serverUrl --apiKey XXXXXXXXXXXXXX --chrome /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --chromedriver /usr/bin/chromedriver --processvideo yes --shaper none
And i also checked the Capture video check box on my private instance portal before submitting the test
Yeah, the video being ‘unavailable’ is probably why there’s no speed index, so let’s focus on fixing that first. Did you check to see if there is anything in the error log?
I didn’t saw any significant error related to this. I am attaching the logs for a run below, so that you too can look at them.
Jul_25_02:46:05.649 wpt_client.js:614 Client.processJobResponse_ : Got job: {“Test ID”:“180725_WS_5”,“processResults”:1,“url”:“”,“fvonly”:1,“timeline”:1,“timelineStackDepth”:0,“Capture Video”:1,“runs”:1,“browser”:“Chrome”,“pngScreenShot”:1,“imageQuality”:100,“lighthouseTrace”:1,“orientation”:“default”,“IPAddr”:“”}
I Jul_25_02:46:05.692 agent_main.js:529 Agent. : Starting run 1/1 of job 180725_WS_5
I Jul_25_02:46:06.060 browser_local_chrome.js:53 new BrowserLocalChrome : BrowserLocalChrome(/usr/bin/chromedriver, /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome)
.I Jul_25_02:46:06.100 process_utils.js:366 unknown : Spawning: /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --disable-fre --enable-benchmarking --metrics-recording-only ‘–remote-debugging-port=1234’
W Jul_25_02:46:06.179 process_utils.js:372 Socket. : /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome STDERR: [0725/] Lost UI shared context.
W Jul_25_02:46:06.186 process_utils.js:372 Socket. : /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome STDERR:
DevTools listening on ws://
I Jul_25_02:46:06.525 wd_server.js:502 WebDriverServer. : Test started
W Jul_25_02:46:06.959 process_utils.js:372 Socket. : /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome STDERR: [0725/] OnDidStopLoading was called twice.
W Jul_25_02:46:07.238 process_utils.js:372 Socket. : /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome STDERR: [0725/] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get: object_path= /org/freedesktop/UPower: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files
[0725/] DaemonVersion: GetAndBlock: failed.
W Jul_25_02:46:07.239 process_utils.js:372 Socket. : /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome STDERR: [0725/] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.UPower.GetDisplayDevice: object_path= /org/freedesktop/UPower: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files
W Jul_25_02:46:07.239 process_utils.js:372 Socket. : /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome STDERR: [0725/] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.UPower.EnumerateDevices: object_path= /org/freedesktop/UPower: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files
W Jul_25_02:46:19.235 process_utils.js:372 Socket. : /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome STDERR: [0725/] No URLRequestContext for NSS HTTP handler. host:
[0725/] No URLRequestContext for NSS HTTP handler. host:
W Jul_25_02:46:19.236 process_utils.js:372 Socket. : /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome STDERR: [0725/] No URLRequestContext for NSS HTTP handler. host:
[0725/] No URLRequestContext for NSS HTTP handler. host:
[0725/] No URLRequestContext for NSS HTTP handler. host:
[0725/] No URLRequestContext for NSS HTTP handler. host:
I Jul_25_02:46:19.469 wd_server.js:393 WebDriverServer.onDevToolsMessage_ : DevTools message: {“method”:“Page.loadEventFired”,“params”:{“timestamp”:1869877.566709}}
W Jul_25_02:46:19.905 process_utils.js:372 Socket. : /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome STDERR: [0725/] OnDidStopLoading was called twice.
I Jul_25_02:46:30.350 wd_server.js:1680 WebDriverServer. : Test passed
I Jul_25_02:46:30.441 browser_base.js:65 BrowserLocalChrome. : Chrome EXIT code null signal SIGKILL
I Jul_25_02:46:30.724 agent_main.js:175 Agent. : wd_server child process exit code 0 signal null
A Jul_25_02:46:30.739 wpt_client.js:715 Client.finishRun_ : Finished run 1/1 of finished job 180725_WS_5
I Jul_25_02:46:31.905 wpt_client.js:536 Client. : Get work:
I Jul_25_02:46:31.905 wpt_client.js:537 Client. : key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX