Hi guys
So basically my website that is built on Wordpress became slow overnight. https://savetheyoungheart.com/. Someone I asked said its due to TTFB being high for some reason. After troubleshooting i didn’t see the issue with any of the plugins.
Any idea on what I can do?
Thank you
I recommend that most of my clients who are using WP pick a dedicated poster like WP Engine, or Kinsta, and front it with Cloudflare
Often solves many of their TTFB issues, and removes the need for a bunch of plugins
They also tend to be my smaller clients so it reduces their workload too
Maybe clean up the database?
Take a look at this post explaining my steps to resolve this issue.
Hi guys
So basically I use cloudflare along with a cloud hosting plan. And considering it became slow overnight without any changes I’m not sure what the issue is
We’ve updated the PHP and all but to no avail
Error encountered: (0) cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
Could this be the reason?