TTFB Slow with Arvixe/Wordpress

Hey guys. So I have a VPS Pro account with Arvixe. When we first signed up and setup our site the TTFB was .2. That was about 5 months ago. Ever since we signed up it has progressively gotten slower and slower.

I use WP-Clean to clear out any extra junk in the database. I have 15 plugins active, all have been turned off to test. Didn’t change anything.

I make sure to clear out old order history, drafts, revisions, etc.

Images are optimized, I minify css/js, use a sprite for the homepage.

When I run a test with a PHP/SQL plugin tester it shows results that are 5x higher than the benchmark for mysql and php.

I am using canvas theme with woocommerce on Wordpress.

I really know very little about this stuff, so I am sorry in advance.

One thing I noticed is the TTFB is quicker on the second run, I do have expires headers enabled and gzip compression as well.

Any insight on this? Arvixe is looking into it but who knows where that will lead.

Here is my test results:

I appreciate your help.


It looks like skin.php is reasonably fast but the base page and admin-ajax.php are both quite slow so it doesn’t look like a problem with the serving of php itself and is most likely the database (though it could be something making external API calls). Is the database server running on your server as well or are they providing a separate database server for you to use?

With 8 cores and 3GB of ram it should be flying.

If you can get them to install and configure newrelic (or a similar APM) it should tell you exactly where the time is going.

I will ask them about what you suggested and get back to you.

Thanks so much for responding!

They said the database is running on the same server as the site.

They said they can install new relic or something similar and examine the results for me.

It’s like, why can’t they suggest these things from the start? Rather than always implying it’s my plugins, or oh, if your site is busy, this can happen, and what not.


I guess we will see where this leads …

I will update you when I hear back.

Thank you again

So now it seems like they don’t want to install newrelic, they claim it is “overkill” ?

The tech is saying that woocommerce sites (we use woocommerce) with a ton of products get slow.

Any thoughts or other suggestions?

Here is their response:

"Hey There,

The standard VPS config and setup is currently setup to run websites perfectly well. There are no issues with the setup running websites, however as you can see its not working will for your customised wordpress application.

Should you require changes to get the websites working correctly we can try and do this for you we’ll just need to know what changes you’d like to implement etc.

Thank you,"

It is in no way “overkill”. Measurement is the only way you’ll know what is slow and where to focus your/their efforts. Otherwise you’re just trying random things to see what sticks.

Even newrelic’s free tier will give you the data you need to focus your efforts and it’s super-easy to install so I don’t understand their hesitation.

If it’s true that woocommerce sites with lots of products tend to get slow then newrelic will tell you exactly which database queries are slow and you might be able to improve things by adding indexes or other database tuning.

Hi. Just came across this post while tying to find solutions to our long TTFB. Have you tried testing your site using rather than

Our tests without the www cname were giving F results:

With it, they went to A:

Is this to do with the server or DNS setup?

It’s the server (in a sense).

What happens is your server is redirecting to to the www cname.
The problem though is that your server needs to run some PHP in order to know about the www cname.

In order to make it faster, make your .htaccess redirect people to the www cname.
Add this answer to the top of your .htaccess file apache redirect from non www to www - Stack Overflow

You’ll should see the F turn to A immediately :slight_smile: