When I’m trying to use URLblast I’m receiving the following error after the test had succesfully ran on agent machine: test completed but there were no successful results
First View: Test Data Missing
URLBlast is launched and loading the page on the agent.
On the agent all testdata is successfully saved in: c:\ProgramData\urlblast
debug=1 enabled
In urlblast_log:
Uploading 22 bytes file c:\ProgramData\urblast\long_filename.zip to /work/workdone.php
It looks like URLblast is not posting the results correctly back to WPT server.
Nginx log when test completed: [06/Mar/2015:16:26:33 +0100] “POST /work/workdone.php HTTP/1.1” 200 5 “-” “urlBlast”
Does anybody knows what’s going wrong?
I don’t see any errors in URLblast debug log with debug=1