I’m trying to run a bulk test and am wondering if there’s a way to see the V8 parse/eval time for results in the “Aggregate Statistics” report (or similar).
Here’s a sample run - I couldn’t find script timing in the output formats at the bottom:
I do know that:
- It’s possible to see v8.compile and EvaluateScript times in individual reports
- https://www.webpagetest.org/jsonResult.php?test=[REPORT_ID] includes overall script timings for an individual URL’s run
- https://webpagetest.org/getgzip.php?test=[REPORT_ID]&file=1_script_timing.json can give you per script file V8 timings if you request them individually (again for a single URL)
But it’s unclear if there’s a way to get script timings (overall and/or individual) for bulk test results without writing something custom. Does anyone know?