Waterfall Not Showing

Hello! Please help with this issue of mine. I have the WPT server and agents on two separate Server 2003 boxes. Waterfall charts don’t show in any browser on the Summary results page (see attached).

WebPagetest Installation Check
PHP version at least 5.3: 5.3.28
GD Module Installed: NO
zip Module Installed: yes
zlib Module Installed: yes
curl Module Installed: NO (optional)
php.ini allow_url_fopen enabled: yes
APC Installed: NO (optional)
php.ini upload_max_filesize > 10MB: 10M
php.ini post_max_size > 10MB: 8M (optional)
System Utilities
ffmpeg Installed (required for video): NO
ffmpeg 1.x Installed with fps, scale and decimate filters(required for mobile video): Not Detected (optional)
imagemagick compare Installed (required for mobile video): NO (optional)
jpegtran Installed (required for JPEG Analysis): yes
exiftool Installed (required for JPEG Analysis): NO (optional)
Filesystem Permissions
{docroot}/tmp writable: yes
{docroot}/results writable: yes
{docroot}/work/jobs writable: yes
{docroot}/work/video writable: yes
{docroot}/logs writable: yes
Test Locations
Video rendering is supported

US_Boulder : US Boulder (Colorado)
US_Boulder_FF : US Boulder (Colorado) - FF - 1 agents connected
US_Littleton_IE7 : US Littleton (Colorado) - IE7 - 3016 minutes since last agent connected

This is your problem - install the GD module for php and it should be fixed

Thanks Andy! I enabled GD and the images are showing now. However, the waterfall is not displaying all page objects. My private instance is showing only base html whereas www.webpagetest.org displays more than 20 page objects. See attached. Is it a config issue or something else?

Make sure you are using the latest agents: https://sites.google.com/a/webpagetest.org/docs/private-instances#TOC-Updating-Test-Agents

It’s possible that a bug was fixed after the initial release. Otherwise you will need to enable tcpdump and video capture and just compare both to make sure they are actually getting the same page.