hello i have already buy VPS located in singapore , because i want to load fast in indonesia, but the speed only take 4 second, not less then 3 second, my site http://www.jatikom.com
My website is on shared hosting and it takes almost average 2-3 seconds almost in every country. I want to optimize speed to 1-2 seconds.
The problem with your website is that it’s completely unoptimized. Check it out on https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jatikom.com&tab=desktop
You need to use WebPageTest + 3 other testing tools (Google Page Insights, GTMetrix and Pingdom) in order to fully understand what is wrong with your website.
We can help you at https://turboweb.org
A few things to do first.
Change over to using HTTP2.
Wrap your site in SSL, as by mid October, any non-SSL site will start being reported as suspicious by all major browsers.
Upgrade your WordPress version, to avoid being hacked.
Times to serve static resources (.css, .js, images) seem a bit long, so this may relate to your ethernet adapter being saturated (no likely) or your hosting company throttling bandwidth (very likely, especially in Asia).
Note: If your trying to serve content at highest speeds to Indonesia, then just lease a dedicated server in the US or Canada, from someone like OVH (cheap + fast).
Since Indonesia lives on top of the primary fiber connection, you’ll only gain a few milliseconds of speed increase hosting in Singapore + have have to pay for much higher priced hosting to fix your connection speed problems.
Try OVH + see how your speed to Indonesia improves.
My guess is you’ll be very surprised.
Hi ,
I can look into the same
Please let me know, if still searching
Skype - deepvyas71@gmail.com