What is wrong with this test ?

I want to test a page which can be accessed after logging in. I created a script to achieve that:

logData 0

// put any urls you want to navigate
navigate http://www.facebook.com/

logData 1

// this step will get recorded
setValue name=email jmssmith584@gmail.com
setValue name=awesome1234
submitForm name=reg

I want to login to facebook first and then navigate to the page: http://www.bookezza.com/profile

However, it ends up testing the facebook page.

How do I test my page instead of facebook’s page ?

Try this

logData 0

// put any urls you want to navigate
navigate http://www.facebook.com/

logData 0

// this step will get recorded
setValue name=email jmssmith584@gmail.com
setValue name=awesome1234
submitForm name=reg

logdata 1

navigate http://www.bookezza.com/profile

Thank you Prasath, really appreciate it.

However, it is still doing a performance trace on the home page, http://www.bookezza.com, and not the the profile page:
http://www.bookezza.com/profile page.

How can I make sure that it traces the profile page ?

I’ll see if I can whip up a sample script tomorrow but you’re better off using the facebook-suported oauth flow where you give it a redirct url of the page you want tested (something that looks like this: https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?
client_id=YOUR_APP_ID&redirect_uri=YOUR_URL&response_type=token )

Look at the client-side flow docs here: Facebook Login - Documentation - Facebook for Developers