First View vs. Repeat - Raw Object Data results exactly the same

I ran the Webpage Performance Test on

In downloading and reviewing the [color=#000080]Raw Object Data results[/color], I see that, though the [color=#2F4F4F]Raw Page Data results[/color] are indeed different for First View vs. Repeat View, the [color=#000080]Raw Object Data results[/color] seems to be the exact same for both. That is, the results for the Repeat run seem to be exactly the same as the First Run results; essentially a copy.

For the Repeat View, I would typically expect to see the smaller number of requests reflected in the [color=#000080]Objects[/color] results, as is the case with the [color=#2F4F4F]Page[/color] results.

I notice this regardless of the URL used.

Perhaps someone can advise as to where I am going wrong?

Can you link to the test result so we’re working off of the same details? Could be a bug on the server side where it’s returning the first-view data instead of repeat view.

Sure, here is the URL for the test I performed:

Not only are the objects the exact same, for cached vs non-cached runs/views, the values are exactly the same.

Thanks, should be fixed now: Fixed the CSV reporting for repeat views · WPO-Foundation/webpagetest@e4fb2b3 · GitHub (stupid 1-line mistake on my part)

Thank you Patrick. Looks good!