Ive been using harviewer (HTTP Archive Viewer 2.0.17) to see data from both webpagetest.org har files and my local version har files. There seems to be more data being pushed to har files from the .org site than my local one. What are the reasons for this? For example the .org harviewer shows expandable tabs for Header, html, etc but my local version does not.
What are you using for your “local version HAR files”? If it is WebPagetest, is it the 2.3 release from last week?
Yes it is the most recent release of webpagetest![hr]
Actually I aplogize I am incorrect, I am actually using version 2.2, what files from 2.3 are significant for this change because ive already done alot of manipulation to my version of webpagetest.
export.php is the only file that is involved for generating HAR files though it pulls in a couple of other dependencies. There shouldn’t have been any big changes from 2.2 to 2.3 (the XML output had a lot of escaping fixes but the HAR code has been pretty stable).
When you look at the results in the waterfall view for your internal instance, are the raw headers for each request available below the data table? If the headers aren’t available for some reason on your internal instance it could explain why you’re not seeing them in the HAR files.