Installing webpagetest locally

Hello, I am new to WebPageTest and i want to install it on my local machine.
I have installed the server and have it getting right.

But when i submit the request, the pages.url are created here: C:\wamp\www\work\jobs\Test_IE and when i start urlBlast.exe the pages disappear and it shows it is processing the page.

I run it from the localhost and when the url is submitted, the result doesnot have the images and other data.

gd is installed in php and am using windows xp with IE8.

Please let me know what can be wrong.


Did you instal dummynet? Not having it installed is a common cause for tests failing to return any results.

I have not installed dummynet because i am using work machine and not allowed to play with the network adapters. Instead i have added
connectivity = LAN to the location(i read this in the forum)

Let me know.

Can you post your actual locations.ini just as a sanity check (or send it to me at Might need to turn on debuggin (debug=1 to urlblast.ini) and gather some logs to see what is going on but it REALLY feels like the connectivity=LAN settings isn’t working for some reason.



Hello! I have almost the same problem with him in the local webpagetest. How can it possibly be solved?