No Request Data On Firefox and Chrome

Hello, I have some problems with Firefox and Chrome Agent on Windows XP.
There is no request data when I use Firefox and Chrome Agent, But It is all right on IE agent. Firefox Version is 19.0.2. Also it is not right with version 16. Like this:

Screen Shot and Load Time is correct.
My webpagetest’s version is 2.10.
May you help me, pls. Thanks!

Do you have an antivirus software installed? Just wondering if it is interfering with the code injection. What does your wptdriver.ini look like?

Hello, One has antivirus software install, but another agent don’t have. this is my wptdriver.ini

;Automatically install and update support software (Flash, Silverlight, etc)

exe=“C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe”
options=‘–load-extension=“%WPTDIR%\extension” --user-data-dir=“%PROFILE%” --no-proxy-server’

exe=“C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe”
options=‘-profile “%PROFILE%” -no-remote’


Hmm, I don’t know what could be going wrong - the ini’s look fine and the agent is obviously hooking into the browser ok since you are getting some timings - it’s just that the network-level data isn’t being captured and I’ve never seen that happen.

I might be able to provide debug builds along with instructions on how to capture the trace output if you want to try that out but I suspect it will just be missing the network data in the traces and may not show any additional information.

Just a wild guess here: Does your agent version match your server version?

I recently had an issue trying to use v2.10 agents with v2.7.2 server. Wonky hang on the agents with FF and Chrome. Switched to v2.10 server and the problem went away.