I have installed web page test on my PC running Windows XP. I have IE 7.
I can start urlBlast and it appears to be fine. I can also run your web application locally, and run a test for a particular URL to be tested.
After a few seconds, a browser will appear, but no page is loaded. After a second or two, it fails (blank browser), with “about:blank” in the URL bar.
If I look at the test results it basically tells me that everything took 0 seconds, and 0 KB were loaded. So it looks like the test failed.
If (during a test), I replace “about:blank” in the browser with the web site URL I’m trying to test, then it does navigate to that page. But the test results are as described above.
I have noticed that the plug-in CIEHook is installed in my browser. Interestingly, while this is enabled I cannot browse any websites at all from IE. The browser is rendered useless. I notice that this plug-in is written by yourself. So I have disabled the plug-in. I’m wondering if this is the cause of my problem. However, whether I disable or enable the plug in I still encounter the problems described above.
Any help on this would be gratefully appreciated!
Many thanks,
A further observation is that I notice urlBlast is looking here:
If I try to navigate to this URL in a browser, I get “403 Forbidden: You don’t have permission to access /work/ on this server.” Unsure if this is expected behaviour, or a hint that I have something set up wrong.
My urlblast.ini looks like this:
; Type of test (cached, uncached or both) - setting is global for all threads
; 0 = Both (clears cache, loads web page then loads it again
; 1 = uncached (clears the cache before every page)
; 2 = cached (never clears the cache)
; 4 = pagetest-only mode
Test Type=4
; Startup delay (in seconds)
Startup Delay=1
; Log file - _iewtr.txt and iewpg.txt will be appended automatically
; %MACHINE% can be used as a placeholder for the local machine name
Log File=C:\Program Files\WebPageTest\Web Site\log\urlBlast%MACHINE%
; Number of simultaneous browsers to run
Thread Count=1
; Test user account info. A number will be added to the end of the account for each thread
; so “user” becomes “user1”, “user2”, etc. If not specified the default is:
; Location information for fetching work
; This is currently set up assuming the web server and test machine are the same
; If the we server is separate, change the url to point to the correct server
Url Files Url=
Location Key=TestKey123
; Maximum number of seconds to allow for a page load before timing out
; Reboot after X minutes of running (0 = disable reboot interval)
Reboot Interval=0
; Number of days between clearing the cache for all users (including the user profiles and running a disk defrag)
; This is only checked at startup so if you never reboot this won’t happen
Clear Cache Interval=30
; Exit after X complete runs through the url list 0 = don’t exit
Exit runs=0
; For Server 2003 or Vista and later we have to host IE in our own exe
; on XP you can comment this out and it will use iexplore.exe