SPDY with SSL does not show resources (private instance)

I have the latest (2.12) version of WPT private instance set up and works great for all browsers but when I try to test a site with SPDY (over SSL) I am not able to see the breakdown of resources in waterfall chart.

The webpagetst.org works fine.

Could you please point me to what I am missing?

Try grabbing the latest test agents: https://sites.google.com/a/webpagetest.org/docs/private-instances#TOC-Updating-Test-Agents

I should have 2.13 out in a week or two but until then there have been a lot of changes to Chrome and Firefox since the 2.12 release and you’re better off with the latest agent which will work with the 2.12 UI fine.

thanks! this helped. eager to see what’s new in 2.13