Hi Friends,
Does any one can Help…? to understand My site that taking too much time to load, Up to 18 Seconds. Kindly please Help, how I can maintain Content Downloading Time less than 4/5 seconds…
Actually it is article directory With PHP & MYSQL -
Website: http://www.articlebrothers.com/
Web Page Performance Test:
Hassan Raza
This looks identical to the problem here: http://www.webpagetest.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=11818
Was it always this bad or did it suddenly get worse. There is a back-end performance problem, probably with a plugin. If there is a plugin that is making calls to an external service and the service went down or is having issues it could explain why it is happening across sites (assuming they are on different hosts, etc).
Thanks for reply
Actually my site not in WordPress plugin, that is PHP & MSQL Supportable With Rewrite Mod.
Can I give you access for My Hosted main Directory to make Load free …?
Sorry, I can’t debug the issues myself but you’re welcome to ask for professional help over here: http://www.webpagetest.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=20
Since it’s a custom application you’re probably best off getting the original developer to take a look and install something like New Relic which will identify the slow parts pretty quickly.