Test Data missing error -public wpt instance for scripted tests

Hi All,

I initially posted this in bugs/issues category. Received feedback and updated the script.
Posting this in the right forum. Please find the script
in the attached screenshot that I am trying to execute using node js wrapper for wpt.

I am getting Invalid script error.[below]
Please find the attached screenshot of the script that I am trying to execute but getting the below. Please let me know what is wrong with the script.
“statusCode”: 400,
“statusText”: “Invalid Script (make sure there is at least one navigate command and that the commands are tab-delimited). Please contact us if you need help with your test script.”


Have you verified that this script works via the WPT UI? I’d do all debugging there to make sure the script is exactly what you want, then work on automating it via script.

Thanks a lot for the reply!! Now I am getting a different error. Please refer the attached screenshot and
let me know whether I am missing any other step.

logData 0
navigate wwww.google.com
logData 1
setValue name=q webpagetest
submitForm name=f

Also could you please point some details on how to translate this to a working version of command-value to execute in node js.

Thank you!!
