I apologize in advance. This is not going to be pretty.
Have you tried to get this page to render on an actual Android?
I will venture a guess than on an Android this page will also crash.
Not that I needed to test it, I tried it on an android, and it crashes Android. So the WPT mobile test is working correctly.
There is so many things wrong with this page it is amazing that it renders on a desktop Browser.
Where to start?
3 duplicate linked Scripts
23 scripts, 751,453 Bytes? Why? Most are not cached.
The Base HTML is 175,453 Bytes. Insane.
2 MByte Total. I there were a contest for simple pages that use the most Bytes, this page is a contender.
5 CSS files, over 100,000 bytes. About 10-20X of what should be required.
You scored a 0% on the W3C mobileOK. That’s only because they do not assign negative values.
448 CSS errors
58 HTML errors.
167 HTTP Requests, I highly doubt any mobile device can handle 167 requests. Considering it can take a few second per request. It would take about 6 minutes just for the requests.
1703 DOM Element is challenging for a desktop, not going to render on a mobile device.
42 DNS Lookups Cannot imagine why.
55 Connections
30 redirects. More insanity.
Looking at the page it does not appear to be a complicated page. I looks like there is about a half dozen images. I wonder why so many (83) image requests?
spacer.gif? Really? Are you kidding me? I have not used a spacer since 1996.
http://www.subzerowolfportal.com${ImagePath} is supposed to be an image?
http://www.subzero-wolf.com/common/images/home-wolf/close_btn.png a 22x22 checkbox but 50,257 bytes? 22 pixels x 22 pixels = 484 pixels or 103.8 Bytes per pixel.
The least of your problems is WPT mobile does not give you a result.
The bigger question is how does this page get a WPT score of 81%???