Thanks to the guys over at Daemon Solutions , testing is now available from the UK on WebPagetest . It’s great to have testing available from Europe.
If you’re going to do comparisons between the various locations it’s best to compare the new Europe test location to the FIOS connection in Dulles as the new location is hosted in a data center and direct Ethernet connected to the Internet. With latency usually having the largest impact on performance make sure you factor that in when you’re looking at results.
Is there a particular url you are having problems with? It looks to be working fine (at least right now). Here is a test someone submitted a few minutes ago:
I am Starsrock.This is my first visit to site.I am new to this site,but I’ve enjoyed posting in your forums.Welcome to the forum.The test from Daemon in the UK fails every time I have tried it.I seems to be broken at the moment.With latency usually having the largest impact on performance make sure you factor that in when you’re looking at results.Thank you very much and Stay connected with me.