wptdriver will stop working mid-2018

Chrome is rolling out changes to block code injection which will disable the legacy Windows agent (wptdriver). If you are running a private instance you should migrate to wptagent before that happens. If you are using the EC2 AMI’s, there are Linux AMI’s already available with wptagent and Windows AMIs (with IE support) will be available in early 2018 (January probably).

Also, can we count on the wptagent docker image ? Docker Hub

Hi, I’ve actually been using webPageTest for ever! (http://www.webwob.com/webpagetest.php) and in fact my new developers now want to use lighthouse as well. BUT my main issue is just recently, with the setup of the new version. For years, I’ve just been copying over files in my setup and occasionally updating my network driver. But now I’m a bit stuck with how to move forwards. I really need a full page on properly setting up a new private instance. I’ve had a look, I’ve assumed I should run wptagent.py to get the agent up and running. BUT, I’m running into problems. it might be something to do with x64 versus dlls built for x86 - I’m not sure. I get this trace from that call:

C:\webpagetest\wptagent>python wptagent.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “wptagent.py”, line 705, in
File “wptagent.py”, line 697, in main
agent = WPTAgent(options, browsers)
File “wptagent.py”, line 23, in init
from internal.webpagetest import WebPageTest
File “C:\webpagetest\wptagent\internal\webpagetest.py”, line 19, in
import ujson as json
ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

BUT, I have set it all up according to the instructions I’ve found, including getting the MS compiler from the debug notes from python:

‘error: Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required. Get it from http://aka.ms/vcpython27

Help! (please). Is there an easy way round this? Would it be possible to have a standard windows install for the whole thing? (an msi)?

Also, it’s not clear to me exactly what I need to do with that network component? Do I need that anymore? And all the locations etc. in the old ini files…


i got similar problems, I uninstalled my current python version, deleted the python27 folder from C drive, downloaded python 2.7.14 version (download python2 version above 2.7.11), install all modules using pip, then install VCForPython27 (https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/details.aspx?id=44266)
Note if you have 64 bit windows install x86-64 setup file

Hi Patrick

I am trying to setup a private instance using wptagent, already installed web server for it.

python C:\wptagent\wptagent.py -vvvv --server “” --location Local-wptdriver

Can you please let me know if above command will work fine or not for private instance ? Do I have to use some other command?

Logs for the above command:

C:\wptagent>python C:\wptagent\wptagent.py -vvvv --server “
/” --location Local-wptdriver
23:17:38.016 - Detected Browsers:
23:17:38.016 - Firefox: C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe
23:17:38.017 - Chrome: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.e
23:17:38.019 - Firefox Dev: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox Dev\firefox.exe
23:17:38.019 - Firefox Beta: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox Beta\firefox.exe
23:17:38.019 - Firefox Nightly: C:\Program Files\Nightly\firefox.exe
23:17:38.019 - ie: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
23:17:38.019 - Chrome Dev: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome Dev\Application
23:17:38.020 - Chrome Beta: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome Beta\Applicatio
‘git’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Python 2.7.14
Invalid drive specification.
Missing convert utility. Please install ImageMagick and make sure it is in the p
‘mogrify’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Missing mogrify utility. Please install ImageMagick and make sure it is in the p
23:17:38.163 - Waiting for Idle…
23:17:40.664 - ipfw -q flush
23:17:40.677 - C:\wptagent\internal\support\dummynet\x64\ipfw.exe -q flush
23:17:40.706 - ipfw -q pipe flush
23:17:40.707 - C:\wptagent\internal\support\dummynet\x64\ipfw.exe -q pipe flush
23:17:40.723 - ipfw -q flush
23:17:40.723 - C:\wptagent\internal\support\dummynet\x64\ipfw.exe -q flush
23:17:40.740 - ipfw -q pipe flush
23:17:40.742 - C:\wptagent\internal\support\dummynet\x64\ipfw.exe -q pipe flush
23:17:40.759 - ipfw pipe 1 config delay 0ms noerror
23:17:40.759 - C:\wptagent\internal\support\dummynet\x64\ipfw.exe pipe 1 config
delay 0ms noerror
23:17:40.776 - ipfw pipe 2 config delay 0ms noerror
23:17:40.776 - C:\wptagent\internal\support\dummynet\x64\ipfw.exe pipe 2 config
delay 0ms noerror
23:17:40.792 - ipfw queue 1 config pipe 1 queue 100 noerror mask dst-port 0xffff

23:17:40.793 - C:\wptagent\internal\support\dummynet\x64\ipfw.exe queue 1 config
pipe 1 queue 100 noerror mask dst-port 0xffff
23:17:40.812 - ipfw queue 2 config pipe 2 queue 100 noerror mask src-port 0xffff

23:17:40.812 - C:\wptagent\internal\support\dummynet\x64\ipfw.exe queue 2 config
pipe 2 queue 100 noerror mask src-port 0xffff
23:17:40.829 - ipfw add queue 1 ip from any to any in
23:17:40.829 - C:\wptagent\internal\support\dummynet\x64\ipfw.exe add queue 1 ip
from any to any in
23:17:40.851 - ipfw add queue 2 ip from any to any out
23:17:40.852 - C:\wptagent\internal\support\dummynet\x64\ipfw.exe add queue 2 ip
from any to any out
23:17:40.874 - ipfw add 60000 allow ip from any to any
23:17:40.874 - C:\wptagent\internal\support\dummynet\x64\ipfw.exe add 60000 allo
w ip from any to any
23:17:40.894 - Cleaning up
23:17:40.895 - ipfw -q flush
23:17:40.895 - C:\wptagent\internal\support\dummynet\x64\ipfw.exe -q flush
23:17:40.913 - ipfw -q pipe flush
23:17:40.913 - C:\wptagent\internal\support\dummynet\x64\ipfw.exe -q pipe flush

[quote=“bgoyal, post:5, topic:10591”]
Hi Patrick

I am trying to setup a private instance using wptagent, already installed web server for it.

python C:\wptagent\wptagent.py -vvvv --server “” --location Local-wptdriver

Can you please let me know if above command will work fine or not for private instance ? Do I have to use some other command?

Logs for the above command:

Even I am stuck over here, can somebody help with this? The python script exits after this step.

Please check the installation instructions: wptagent/install.md at master · WPO-Foundation/wptagent · GitHub