wptagent works only with chrome

I’m using wptagent for the first time, after the test phase I will replace wptdriver in my testers; after installing all the necessary software remains a problem:

agent work only with chrome … the error displayed is as follows:

15:09:47.131 - Checking for work: http://prodwptnext/work/getwork.php?f=json&shards=1&location=tester&pc=tester01&key=xxxxxx&version=17.12&screenwidth=1280&screenheight=1024&freedisk=423.268&upminutes=1691
15:09:47.131 - Resetting dropped connection: prodwptnext
15:09:47.444 - http://prodwptnext:80 "GET /work/getwork.php?f=json&shards=1&location=tester&pc=tester01key=xxxxxx&version=17.12&screenwidth=1280&screenheight=1024&freedisk=423.268&upminutes=1691 HTTP/1.1" 200 208
15:09:47.444 - Job: {"processResults":1,"runs":1,"bwIn":0,"plr":0,"latency":0,"url":"http:\/\/www.sozzi.eu","Test ID":"180111_PY_1","Capture Video":1,"IPAddr":"::1","bwOut":0,"orientation":"default","fvonly":1,"timeline":1,"lighthouseTrace":1,"timelineStackDepth":0,"browser":"edge"}
15:09:47.444 - [{'record': True, 'command': 'navigate', 'target': u'http://www.sozzi.eu'}]
15:09:47.585 - taskkill /F /T /IM MicrosoftEdge.exe
15:09:47.694 - taskkill /F /T /IM MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe
15:09:47.756 - taskkill /F /T /IM plugin-container.exe
15:09:47.835 - taskkill /F /T /IM browser_broker.exe
15:09:47.898 - taskkill /F /T /IM smartscreen.exe
15:09:47.960 - taskkill /F /T /IM dllhost.exe
15:09:48.061 - Preparing browser
15:09:48.061 - Terminating all instances of MicrosoftWebDriver.exe
ERRORE: processo "MicrosoftWebDriver.exe" non trovato.

this is browsers.ini:

exe=C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application/chrome.exe
exe=C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome SxS\Application/chrome.exe
exe=C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe
exe=C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe

this is the example with edge but the same happens with firefox and internet explorer

thanks in advance for help

I found out what the problem was with edge … I did not have .net installed

the problem remains for firefox and explorer for which the error message is:

First View: Test Error: Error connecting to dev tools interface

You should try without browsers.ini populated at all. It should autodetect the standard install locations for all of the browsers.

That said, the Firefox problem is probably because it needs
in addition to the exe.

For completeness, IE would need type=IE but it is better being autodetected.

thanks for the tips
it works without browsers.ini
and also inserting type = [Firefox / IE]

it still remains a problem, for a test on the same page these are the results (load time):
edge 103 sec
chrome 3.3 sec
Firefox 8.4 sec
IE(11) 115 sec

in the case of IE and edge the on load event is not detected and all javascript (like sliders etc.) are executed and total time is returned (activity time).

what can be the cause of this?
Thanks in advance

Can you reproduce the IE/Edge issues on the public instance (Dulles Thinkpad or Dulles locations)? If so I can debug them. There have been some updates in the last week to the IE code so make sure you have a recent snapshot.

the same page on Dulles Thinkpad works fine:

To update the code,
just copy alive.py, alive.sh and the new wptagent.py?
or is it better to replace all the files?

I have updated wptagent at the last release of january 11 2018
but the results is the same, remains the differences between (chrome/firefox) - (IE/edge)
what I find strange is that (eg IE) against
loadTime = 104737,
test_run_time_ms = 153453,
visualComplete = 14000

Thanks in advance