64Bit Server 2008 Issues

Hi All,

I cant seem to get my webpagetest agent communicating with my server.

My Locations.ini looks like this



browser=IE 7
label="Internet Explorer 7"


browser=IE 8
label="IE8 Hosted"

Here is my urlblast.ini

Startup Delay=30
Log File=c:\pagetest\log
use current account=1

; Where to get work from
Url Files Url=http://myserver/work/
Location Key=test

Firstly when starting the URLBlast application nothing is logged to the logfile??

The agent can get through to the server on port 80, should the url in urlblast.ini be http://myserver/work/jobs/… or does it work out where to go from /work?

My location appears in the dropdown of the server but no browser is listed.

Any help debugging this would be greatly appreciated.


Are you running urlblast from within an admin account? You can add debug=1 to the urlblast.ini to get it to log more details to the log file.

The location in urlblast.ini should be “IE8” based on your config in locations.ini (sorry the layout is so confusing - I’m planning on creating a doc to explain how the layout works).

Hi Pat,

Thanks for the quick response, I’ve added debug=1 to my urlblast.ini but nothing is written to the log file specified. I’ve also checked that i’m the running as the admin user and have made the suggested change to urlblast.ini as recommended but still no joy unfortunately.

My location appears on the server but no browser listed against it. Any Ideas why this may be?


It is sounding like a permissions issue somewhere. The log file actually gets _log.txt appended to it or something like that so take a look and make sure there isn’t a different file in the expected location.

Nope, no newly created files in the directory that I have specified.

Why wouldn’t it appear in the list of available browsers? is this list created from the contents of locations.ini?

you can specify more than one location in a locations.ini right?

Really confused as to why this isn’t working for me.

Hi Pat,

I have managed to resolve the main issue, I re-created my WPT server and re-installed the agent. Possibly some issues running newer agents with older server versions?? Now both are running 2.5 and working as expected.

The only remaining issue is that I am seeing about:blank pages for both IE8 and Chrome. I’ve disabled all IE Addons and I’m running as administrator. I dont have any AV software installed that would be blocking this. Any Ideas? I’ve seen a few threads on this but none of the resolutions have helped me yet.

Here is some debug output :slight_smile:

Debug	Requesting work from myserver.com/work/getwork.php?location=HostedIE8&key=&pc=S15836467
2012/02/14 07:53:44	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Job of type 'text/plain' received
2012/02/14 07:53:44	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Work request response was empty
2012/02/14 07:53:59	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Requesting work from myserver.com/work/getwork.php?location=HostedIE8&key=&pc=S15836467
2012/02/14 07:53:59	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Job of type 'text/plain' received
2012/02/14 07:53:59	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Url to be tested: http://www.google.co.uk
2012/02/14 07:53:59	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Flushing DNS cache
2012/02/14 07:53:59	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	DnsFlushResolverCache returned 1
2012/02/14 07:53:59	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Executing 'ipconfig.exe /flushdns'
2012/02/14 07:54:00	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Successfully ran 'ipconfig.exe /flushdns'
2012/02/14 07:54:00	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Launching... user='Administrator', path='C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe', command line='"C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" about:blank'
2012/02/14 07:54:00	-1	15836467	1	3	0	Browser Launched	Cleared Cache-Run_1^http://www.google.co.uk
2012/02/14 07:54:22	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Uploading 22 byte file C:\ProgramData\urlblast\120214_S2_Q-1.zip
2012/02/14 07:54:22	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Flushing DNS cache
2012/02/14 07:54:22	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	DnsFlushResolverCache returned 1
2012/02/14 07:54:22	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Executing 'ipconfig.exe /flushdns'
2012/02/14 07:54:23	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Successfully ran 'ipconfig.exe /flushdns'
2012/02/14 07:54:23	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Launching... user='Administrator', path='C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe', command line='"C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" about:blank'
2012/02/14 07:54:23	-1	15836467	1	3	0	Browser Launched	Cached-Run_1^http://www.google.co.uk
2012/02/14 07:54:30	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Uploading 22 byte file C:\ProgramData\urlblast\120214_S2_Q-1.zip
2012/02/14 07:54:30	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Requesting work from myserver.com/work/getwork.php?location=HostedIE8&key=&pc=S15836467
2012/02/14 07:54:30	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Job of type 'text/plain' received
2012/02/14 07:54:30	-1	15836467	1	20	0	Debug	Work request response was empty

It appears to me as though the agent is calling the about:blank page. I can run the command from the CLI passing www.google.co.uk and all works fine. Any Ideas?

Many Thanks

Have you disabled IE Enhanced security mode? It looks like it is launching the browser and then immediately thinks the browser has exited (sounds like it launched another browser process behind the scenes).

Hi Patrick,

Yep disabled IE Enhanced security mode, its strange that the same thing happens with both IE and Chrome.


Hi Patrick,

Any Ideas on steps I can take to help debug this?

Many Thanks

Sorry, I’m kind of at a loss for figuring it out and will have to try to reproduce it. Just as a sanity check, can you grab the latest and greatest agents from here:

urlblast - http://www.webpagetest.org/work/update/update.zip
wptdriver - http://www.webpagetest.org/work/update/wptupdate.zip

Hi Patrick,

No joy with either update unfortunately. I’m still seeing the following

2012/02/17 13:27:24     -1      15836467        1       20      0       Debug   Launching... user='Administrator', path='C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe', command line='"C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" about:blank'
2012/02/17 13:27:24     -1      15836467        1       3       0       Browser Launched        Cached-Run_1^http://www.bbc.co.uk

When using pagetest.exe I see

2012/02/17 13:29:16     -1      15836467        1       20      0       Debug   Launching... user='Administrator', path='C:\pagetest\pagetest.exe', command line='"C:\pagetest\pagetest.exe"'
2012/02/17 13:29:16     -1      15836467        1       3       0       Browser Launched        Cleared Cache-Run_1^http://www.bbc.co.uk

Very strange :frowning:

I May be able to share the machine with you if that helps you?


That would help but it will probably be a couple of days before I can hop on and take a look. Ping me offline - pmeenan@webpagetest.org and we can set something up.