Hi, im trying to optimize for my new Wordpress site.
The load time i get is about 2-3 seconds.
My hosting company (Vidahost, shared, cloud hosting plan) does not allow keep alive function, now, how much does this affect the loading time? Is this something i should care about and maybe consider a move to another host?
I used to get under 1 sec on my static site. so i never really cared about this, but now i im trying to optimize to get down the loading time on my new site.
I plan to use maxcdn to improve my overall loading time, is this the right approach to go?
Thank you for any advice.
If you don’t want to change hosts you can use a CDN in front of them (CloudFlare has a free tier for example) to mitigate the issue.
Generally I’d STRONGLY recommend changing hosts and letting them know why though because it’s not a good sign that they aren’t willing to enable keep-alives.
As far as impact on your performance, first fix the issue with the massive png of the car that should really be a jpeg: http://www.udbike.com.gridhosted.co.uk/wp-content/themes/carrental/img/intro-booking.png
After the image is fixed, the keep-alive fix would probably cut your load times in half.
I’d switch providers if they refused to enable keep alives.
The reason they do this is to escape resource starvation when a site is hit with a high value attack.
And, there are other ways to deal with this.
Switch Hosting company.
I would also recommend switching hosts - as it makes me wonder what else they may be reluctant to enable on your server.
Thanks everyone for taking your time.
I did change the image to jpeg file as recommended and it was a huge help. Thanks you for that.
As for the host, i will probably be looking for another host.
Thanks everyone once again.
Page load depends on many things:
- web hosting(prefer the good one, not the cheap one)
- Optimize your image( compress it before uploading or use some plugins)
- Avoid overuse of the JavaScript.
- Too much plugins( remove unwanted one)